Friday, May 2, 2014

Adolescents, Parents and Birth Control

So, you've read the article.  You've asked some questions to clarify the text, made some predictions about where it was headed, and summarized the most important parts. Now it's time to analyze the argument that it makes.

As a group, look back through the article and respond to the following prompts based on your reading:

  1. What claim (or claims) is the article making about the subject?
  2. What pieces of evidence does the article use to support this claim (or these claims)?
  3. What reasoning does the article use to connect the evidence to the claims being made?
  4. Evaluate this argument based on our current "qualities of a good argument."  If it is a strong argument based on those qualities, be specific and explain what it does well.  If it is a weak argument based on those qualities, explain what it doesn't do as well as it could.
Write your responses in the comments section below.  Be sure to write all of your group members' names at the top of your response.

Hint: it might be a good idea to compose your responses in a Google Document and then copy and paste them into the comments section, that way you won't have to worry about accidentally deleting your work by leaving the page.

Once you are finished:

Click on this link and follow the instructions to get a look at some of the other perspectives in this debate.

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