Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rhetorical Appeals: In Favor of Parental Notification

Now, it's time to use rhetorical appeals to create counterclaims. In the comments section below, write counterclaims for the arguments in favor of parental notification that use one of the classical rhetorical appeals.

At the top of your comment: write "Counterclaim - and whether you are using ethos, pathos, or logos."

Just a reminder: 

Counterclaim - a statement that is in opposition to the previous claim.  A counterclaim argues against the point being made.

Ethos this is based on credibility. If you respect the source of the argument, you might believe it. This appeal is based on being an authority, respected, and likeable.

Silly model - I am one of you.  I was raised in this neighborhood.  I live on your block.  I know, because I struggle with this issue too, that we need to start eating more cow’s liver in our diets.

Pathos - this is based on emotions. By getting the audience to engage with their feelings on the issue and using their emotions to convince them of your position.

Silly model - How can anyone imagine eating the bloody insides of something as cute and cuddly as a potbellied pig, or a little baby chick? Anyone who could think of killing an animal so precious and adorable must have no feelings at all.

Logos - this is based on logic and reasoning. By having strong facts (evidence) and explaining the facts in a reasonable way that can be understood and followed by the audience, you can convince them of your position.

Silly model - By switching to a diet in which we eat every part of the animals being consumed for food we will reap a number of benefits.  We will be able to lower our carbon footprint, decreasing pollution, by using the entire animal and avoiding waste.  Our grocery bills will also be greatly reduced because the cost of many of these parts of the animal are low.  

If you want to look back at the sources your class has accumulated to help make your brief arguments, click on this link:

Sources of evidence in favor of parental notification


  1. Pathos - Parents are responsible for sex education. If they are not, they would feel as if their child will be hiding stuff behind their backs. This is emotional for them because if their kids are sexually active they will want to know any how anyway even if they don't want their parent's to know.

    1. counterclaim - i strongly agree with you but maybe if their parents wouldn't be as harsh when they find out their kids are sexually active maybe just maybe a lot of parents would know a lot about there own children's life



    Planned Parenthood wholeheartedly encourages parental involvement when a young woman is faced with an unplanned pregnancy. In fact, in our health centers, 73% of our clients who are teenage girls already involve a parent.In other cases, young women may not realize how supportive their parents might be.

    I believe this argument , this argument would help me address and pursade my friends who are expecting babies to tell their mom. Even though it might be hard I believe their parents would strongly support them.

  3. Pathos-
    The parents wants the best for their kids and I think that they should have the rights from their kids to tell them about problems and decisions that they made so that their parents can help and connect with them.

    1. counterclaim- i agree with you but why cant they have empathy with there kids when they need it instead of just yelling at them and wanting to hit them ?

    2. I agree with Aurelyn what cant they have empathy with there kids it would make it worst by yelling and hitting

    3. I agree with you Kenia because I also think that they should make a decisions with they parents so they parents could help them I also think that that they should sit down with they parents and talk to them about having a baby

  4. Donald Travis IIIMay 8, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    Ethos -

    I think young adults should have to notify their parents before they have access to go to any sexual health service because there so young, they might make the wrong the choice and they aren't educated on what the doctor may tell them or do to them. They need someone to tell them whats next and whats happening. The parents knows better, than the child. The young adult will go through a hard, hurtful, depressing life if not taken sirius.

    1. so your telling saying young adults like our age should ask tell our parents well i disargree with that because if your girl was pregnant and she don't want to tell her parent because she is scared and you don't want to tell yours what are you going to do keep it and cause you not follow your dreams =/

  5. Pathos

    I believe parents should let their children have access to sexual health classes because many children are having sex without any information about it. If they learn about the consequences abortion rates will drop dramatically.

    1. Counter claims - I don't believe parents should let their children have access to sexual health classes because they are getting influence to actually have sex. I feel as if they are influencing them to have sex because they are showing them the ways to use a condom and so on and that will influence them to try it out.

    2. Counterclaims

      i think she's wrong because if kids get sexual health classes kids going to think it's good to have sex at a young age and that's not good because this world will be over populated

  6. Pathos-
    The parents wants the best for their kids and I think that they should have the rights from their kids to tell them about problems and decisions that they made so that their parents can help and connect with them.

    1. Counter Claims - I agree with you in a way but some parents are very strict and will not accept the mistake you have did by getting pregnant.

    2. Counter claim- I believe that some teens aren't able to communicate with their parents.The reason why they aren't able to is because they never had that communication with each other.So if teens aren't able to communicate then they don't have to tell them the decision they had made in life.

    3. Donald Travis IIIMay 13, 2014 at 6:44 AM


      Some parents wont that emphatic, But they might still help you.

  7. The reason why people should notify there parents if there having an abortion was because they are to young to have a baby because they didn't finish school and also because they are 14 or 13.

  8. I feel they should notify the kids parents. Because if they have time to go out and have sex then they should have the balls to tell there parents and at the same time parents should talk to there kids about sex and not to have sex at a young age and tell them the type of STI thats going around they could catch so i feel they should tell there parents.

  9. Pathos:
    I believe that its good that the rate of teen pregnancies went down and more teens and adolescents are being abstinent and preventing pregnancies from happening

  10. Ethos:
    Parents should know if their children want to have an abortion because parents should be able to be there for their children in a situation like this. Parents have more experience than kids. Adolescents might not fully understand what the doctors are telling them. So parent should be there to show support.

    1. but what if the kid don't want to tell the parents that there pregnant cause ther e scared of the out come with there parents might do are say.....

  11. Website -

    Ethos - Abortion is an important element of women's rights because women are more affected by the abortion debate than men, both individually (if they are considering an abortion) and as a gender.

    This argument reminds us that even in the abortion debate, we should regard the woman as a person and not just as a container for the foetus. We should therefore give great consideration to her rights and needs as well as those of the unborn.

    Furthermore, they say, women's freedom and life choices are limited by bearing children, and the stereotypes, social customs, and oppressive duties that went with it.

  12. Pathos
    I don't think that parents should always be notified with their child's sexually health because at some point anything could of happen to their child that the kid them self might not want to talk about. Even though its important that they know the truth sometimes it better to be held in.

  13. Pathos:
    I think getting rid of a baby causes stress. Who can hurt a little baby boy/girl that hasn't even been born yet. I think the parents should be notify when a CHILD is left with such huge choice to make.

    1. Your right Amanda having abortions causes stress , but if you have the right to see doctors without parental consent and you dont have that bond or relationship to tell your parents youve been sexually active so why not go to the doctors get on birth control and maybe even prevent yourself from getting pregnant which wont lead to abortions .

    2. logos :
      it not about getting rid of the baby it's about them getting noftification whether they should do or not . Its there choice to have sex and get pregnant so if they can do they should get birth control and have abortions on there own

    3. They should not make this a law because it forces a relationship on kids that they are probably not ready for. The kids need to create a relationship with their parents that they are comfortable with. If this is made a law then the kids relationship that was forced will fade away and that will make many parents sad they want a relationship that you grow into. Its like not giving a kid freedom because they do not deserve it they need to earn it. But, if they grow to the age were they can do it without the parents consent they did not earn it. So in this situation the parent needs to earn the relationship not just get it because of this law.

    4. I'm sorry Katherine but Amanda is right. Babies are the gift from God. Why would you throw away a baby that would of maybe be one talented, smart and brilliant baby. I think that's a crime because your killing someone who is still a human being.

  14. Ethos-
    Kids should tell parents because they are young and the parents would not approve of that. The kids would not make a good decisions. I understand they want to be grown but its not the time and parents been in this world longer than us. everyone should trust they parents we all struggle but at the end of the day our parents are here for us.

  15. Pathos -
    I think that parents should be in favor of parental notification of their child's because they need to be in their kids life and abortion is what some female thinks and mothers should help their kids who are in this position.

  16. Logos - this is based on logic and reasoning. By having strong facts (evidence) and explaining the facts in a reasonable way that can be understood and followed by the audience, you can convince them of your position.

  17. I dissagree with Kenia because alot of parents are saying that if their children are exposed to sexual health classes because it might actually push them into having sex.

  18. pathos
    ''We are dealing with children, many of them below 15 years,'' she continued. ''We can't allow things to be done to them in the name of confidentiality or privacy by professionals who aren't reponsible for them, no matter how well-meaning those professionals may be. They have no ongoing interest or relation with the child.

    this is pathos because she is talking about the health and they way these teens feel

  19. logos-you should just all get your parents notifications because your parents are the first person you should trust and also they could give you advice on what you should do because your mom went through the same probably

  20. ethos- i disagree with steven because teens should be responsible because they are becoming of age and should know how to stay healthy and be safe
